Kulturgüterschutzinventar mit Objekten von nationaler Bedeutung (Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz BABS)
Name Egelsee (CH-TG-04), Fundstelle der UNESCO Welterbestätte «Prähistorische Pfahlbauten um die Alpen»
Kategorie A
Objektart Archäologische Objekte / Neolithikum
KGS-DS-Nr 5125
Gemeinde (Ehemalige Gemeinde) Gachnang
Koordinaten 2707200 / 1268500
Weitere Informationen Archäologie TG
Weitere Informationen Fundort Egelsee
Weitere Informationen Teil des Welterbe-Objekts prähistorische Pfahlbauten um die Alpen: CH-TG-04
CH-TG-04, Gachnang-Niederwil–Egelsee: Excellently preserved site with several Late Pfyn Culture phases with almost all the features still below ground. Numerous crucibles for melting copper point to an early phase of copper processing. A sequence of well-preserved house floors on top of each other provides particularly interesting information about the architecture of the houses. In chronological terms, the site complements the finds and features from the earlier site at Thayngen–Weier I–III (CH-SH-01) and the as yet little-researched Pfyn period layers from Hüttwilen–Nussbaumersee (CH-TG-05) to form a sequence of 300 years with dendrochronological dates and hardly any gaps, based on which the development of the Pfyn Culture can be traced (Quelle: http://www.palafittes.org/).