API REST Services¶
Most services are implementing or are heavily inspired by ESRI GeoServices REST Specification or by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).
All API REST endpoints supports only the following HTTP methods (unless specified):
Method |
Description |
Return the requested data. |
Return only HTTP headers of the GET request (no data in payload). |
Return only the HTTP headers for the communication options (e.g. CORS headers for preflight). No data in payload. |
Layers Metadata¶
This service provides metadata for all the available layers in the GeoAdmin API.
GET https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer
Input Parameters¶
RESTFul interface is available.
Parameters |
Description |
searchText (optional) |
The text to search for in the layer description. |
lang (optional) |
The language. Supported values: de, fr, it , rm, en. Defaults to “de”. |
sr (optional) |
The spatial reference. Supported values: 21781 (LV03), 2056 (LV95), 4326 (WGS84) and 3857 (Web Pseudo-Mercator). Defaults to “21781”. |
callback (optional) |
The name of the callback function. |
Response syntax¶
Here is an example of response.
"layers": [
"name": "Temperature monitoring stations",
"fullName": "Water temperature monitoring stations",
"idGeoCat": "4f10c35a-8fac-4000-ab6d-7a294284059a",
"layerBodId": "ch.bafu.hydrologie-wassertemperaturmessstationen",
"attributes": {
"wmsUrlResource": "http://wms.geo.admin.ch/?REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0",
"scaleLimit": "-",
"inspireUpperAbstract": "Environnement, biology and geology | Space and population",
"inspireName": "Environmental monitoring facilities | Human health and safety",
"urlDetails": "http://www.bafu.admin.ch/hydrologie/01835/02122/index.html?lang=de",
"abstract": "...",
"inspireAbstract": "...",
"dataOwner": "Federal Office for the Environment FOEN",
"wmsContactAbbreviation": "swisstopo",
"maps": "...",
"wmsContactName": "Federal Office of Topography swisstopo",
"dataStatus": "20130322",
"inspireUpperName": "Environment biology and geology | Space and population",
"urlApplication": "http://map.bafu.admin.ch"
"tileInfo": {
"origin": {
"y": 350000,
"x": 420000,
"spatialReference": {
"wkid": 21781
"rows": 256,
"format": "PNG,JPEG",
"lods": [
"height": 1,
"width": 1,
"scale": 14285750.5715,
"resolution": 4000,
"level": 0
}, ...
"height": 12500,
"width": 18750,
"scale": 357.1425,
"resolution": 0.1,
"level": 28
"spatialReference": {
"wkid": 21781
"cols": 256,
"dpi": 96,
"compressionQuality": ""
"description": "Configuration for the map (topic) api",
"fullExtent": {
"xmin": 42000,
"ymin": 30000,
"ymax": 350000,
"xmax": 900000,
"spatialReference": {
"wkid": 21781
"units": "esriMeters",
"initialExtent": {
"xmin": 458000,
"ymin": 76375,
"ymax": 289125,
"xmax": 862500,
"spatialReference": {
"wkid": 21781
"spatialReference": {
"wkid": 21781
"capabilities": "Map",
"copyrightText": "Data api"
Here is a description of the data one can find in the above response.
layers: a list of object literals representing the layers
name: the name of the layer (short name less than 30 characters)
fullName: the layer’s full name (not necessarily different from name)
idGeoCat: the associated metadata id in GeoCat
layerBodId: the technical name or BOD id
attributes: the metadata attributes associated to a given layer
wmsResource: the WMS resource of the layer
scaleLimit: the scale at which the layer is valid
inspireUpperAbstract: the abstract of the INSPIRE category (first level)
inprireName: the name of the INSPIRE category
urlDetails: link to the official details page
bundCollectionNumber: the collection number
dataOwner: the data owner
inprieAbstract: the abstract of the INSPIRE category the layer belongs to
absctract: the layer absctract
wmsContactAbbreviation: the abbreviation contact for the WMS resource
downloadUrl: the link where the data can be downloaded
maps: the projects in which this layer is accessible
wmsContactName: the contact name for the WMS resource
dataStatus: the date of the latest data update
bundCollectionName: the collection name
inspireUpperName: the name of the INSPIRE category (first level)
urlApplication: the application where this layer is published
tileInfo: WMTS general information in json format. Note that this section is always identical and is not tied to a particular “map” like in ESRI specifications.
List all the layers available in the GeoAdmin API: https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer
List all the layers available in the GeoAdmin API where the word “wasser” is found in their description: https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer?searchText=wasser
Find a layer by geocat ID: https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer?searchText=f198f6f6-8efa-4235-a55f-99767ea0206c
Layer Attributes¶
This service is used to expose the attributes names that are specific to a layer. This service is especially useful when combined wit h the find service.
GET https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer/{layerBodId}
Input Parameters¶
RESTFul interface is available.
Parameters |
Description |
lang (optional) |
The language. Supported values: de, fr, it , rm, en. (Defaults to de if browser language does not match any of the possible values) |
callback (optional) |
The name of the callback function. |
Get the all the available attributes names of the municipal boundaries: https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer/ch.swisstopo.swissboundaries3d-gemeinde-flaeche.fill
Legend Resource¶
With a layer ID (or technical name), this service can be used to retrieve a legend.
GET https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer/{layerBodId}/legend
Input Parameters¶
No css styling is provided per default so that you can use your own.
Parameters |
Description |
lang (optional) |
The language. Supported values: de, fr, it , rm, en. (Defaults to de if browser language does not match any of the possible values) |
callback (optional) |
The name of the callback function. |
Get the legend for ch.bafu.nabelstationen: https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer/ch.bafu.nabelstationen/legend
Get the same legend using JSONP: https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer/ch.bafu.nabelstationen/legend?callback=callback
Identify Features¶
This service can be used to discover features at a specific location. Here is a complete list of layers for which this service is available.
GET https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer/identify
Input Parameters¶
No more than 50 features can be retrieved per request.
Parameters |
Description |
geometry (required) |
The geometry to identify on. The geometry is specified by the geometry type. This parameter is specified as a separated list of coordinates. The simple syntax (comma separated list of coordinates) and the complex one can be used. (ESRI syntax for geometries) |
geometryType (required) |
The type of geometry to identify on. Supported values are: esriGeometryPoint or esriGeometryPolyline or esriGeometryPolygon or esriGeometryEnvelope. |
layers (optional) |
The layers to perform the identify operation on. Per default query all the layers in the GeoAdmin API. Notation: all:”comma separated list of technical layer names”. |
The extent of the map. (minx, miny, maxx, maxy). Optional if tolerance=0. Default to The mapExtent and the imageDisplay parameters are used by the server to calculate the 0,0,0,0 |
The screen image display parameters (width, height, and dpi) of the map. The mapExtent and the imageDisplay parameters are used by the server to calculate the the distance on the map to search based on the tolerance in screen pixels. Optional if tolerance=0. Default to 0,0,0 The combination of mapExtent and imageDisplay is used to compute a resultion or scale. Some layer have scale dependant geometries |
tolerance (required) |
The tolerance in pixels around the specified geometry. This parameter is used to create a buffer around the geometry. Therefore, a tolerance of 0 deactivates the buffer creation. |
returnGeometry (optional) |
This parameter defines whether the geometry is returned or not. Default to “true”. |
geometryFormat (optional) |
Returned geometry format. Default to ESRI geometry format. Supported values are: “esrijson” or “geojson”. |
offset (optional) |
Offset for the first record (if more than 50 records) |
sr (optional) |
The spatial reference. Supported values: 21781 (LV03), 2056 (LV95), 4326 (WGS84) and 3857 (Web Pseudo-Mercator). Defaults to “21781”. |
lang (optional) |
The language. Supported values: de, fr, it , rm, en. Defaults to “de”. |
layerDefs (optional) |
Filter features with an expression. Syntax: { “<layerId>” : “<layerDef1>” } where <layerId> must correspond to the layer specified in layers. |
callback (optional) |
The name of the callback function. |
Tolerance, mapExtent and imageDisplay¶
If tolerance=0, imageDisplay and mapExtent are generaly not needed, except to get models which are scale dependant, e.g. displaying points at smaller scales and polygons ar larger one. If using tolerance>0, both imageDisplay and mapExtent must be set to meaningfull values. As the tolerance is in pixels, these value are used to convert it to map units, _i.e._ meters.
The following table summarize the various combinations:
imageDisplay=0,0,0 mapExtent=0,0,0,0 |
imageDisplay=1,1,1 mapExtent=1,1,1,1 |
tolerance=0 |
No buffer & No scale |
No buffer & but scale |
tolerance>0 |
Forbidden |
Buffer & Scale |
You may filter by attributes with layerDefs on queryable layers.
To check which attributes are availables, their types and examples values for a given searchable layer, you may use the attributes services.
For instance, the layer ch.swisstopo.swissboundaries3d-gemeinde-flaeche.fill has the following two attributes:
"Ependes (VD)",
"Grub (AR)",
"name":"Municipal boundaries"
layerDefs syntax¶
The syntax of the layerDefs parameter is a json with the layername as key and the filter expression as value:
The filter expression can consist of a single expression of the form <attribute> <operator> <value> or several of these expressions combined with boolean operators and and or, e.g.
state='open' and startofconstruction>='2018-10'
<attribute> must be one of the queryable attributes, the type of <value> must correspond the the type of the queryable attribute (see above) and <operator> can be one of
Data type |
Operators |
Examples |
varchar |
=, +=, like, ilike, not like not ilike, is null, is not null |
toto =’3455 Kloten’, toto ilike ‘%SH%’, toto is null toto ilike ‘SH%’ |
number |
=, <, >, >=, <=, != |
tutu >= 2.4 tutu<5 |
boolean |
is (true|false), is not (true|false) |
tata is not false |
Correct encoding¶
It’s important, that the parameters are correctly serialized and url-encoded, e.g.
>>> import json
>>> import urllib.parse
>>> params = {
"ch.swisstopo.amtliches-strassenverzeichnis": "zip_label = '8302 Kloten'"
>>> print(json.dumps(params))
{"ch.swisstopo.amtliches-strassenverzeichnis": "zip_label = '8302 Kloten'"}
>>> print(urllib.parse.quote(json.dumps(params)))
>>> print('&layerDefs={}'.format(urllib.parse.quote(json.dumps(params))))
Identify all the features belonging to ch.bafu.nabelstationen using a tolerance of 5 pixels around a point: https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/all/MapServer/identify?geometry=678250,213000&geometryFormat=geojson&geometryType=esriGeometryPoint&imageDisplay=1391,1070,96&lang=fr&layers=all:ch.bafu.nabelstationen&mapExtent=312250,-77500,1007750,457500&returnGeometry=true&tolerance=5
Identify all the features belonging to ch.bfs.arealstatistik intersecting an envelope (or bounding box): https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer/identify?geometryType=esriGeometryEnvelope&geometry=548945.5,147956,549402,148103.5&imageDisplay=500,600,96&mapExtent=548945.5,147956,549402,148103.5&tolerance=1&layers=all:ch.bfs.arealstatistik
Identify all the features belonging to ch.bafu.bundesinventare-bln a polyline: https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer/identify?geometry={“paths”:[[[675000,245000],[660000,260000],[620000,250000]]]}&geometryType=esriGeometryPolyline&imageDisplay=500,600,96&mapExtent=548945.5,147956,549402,148103.5&tolerance=5&layers=all:ch.bafu.bundesinventare-bln
Identify all the features belonging to ch.bafu.bundesinventare-bln intersecting a polygon: https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer/identify?geometry={“rings”:[[[675000,245000],[670000,255000],[680000,260000],[690000,255000],[685000,240000],[675000,245000]]]}&geometryType=esriGeometryPolygon&imageDisplay=500,600,96&mapExtent=548945.5,147956,549402,148103.5&tolerance=5&layers=all:ch.bafu.bundesinventare-bln
Same request for ch.bfs.arealstatistik as above but returned geometry format is GeoJSON: https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer/identify?geometryType=esriGeometryEnvelope&geometry=548945.5,147956,549402,148103.5&imageDisplay=500,600,96&mapExtent=548945.5,147956,549402,148103.5&tolerance=1&layers=all:ch.bfs.arealstatistik&geometryFormat=geojson
Same request for ch.bfs.arealstatistik as above but geometry is not returned: https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer/identify?geometryType=esriGeometryEnvelope&geometry=548945.5,147956,549402,148103.5&imageDisplay=500,600,96&mapExtent=548945.5,147956,549402,148103.5&tolerance=1&layers=all:ch.bfs.arealstatistik&returnGeometry=false
Examples of Reverse Geocoding¶
The service identify can be used for Reverse Geocoding operations. Here is a list of all the available layers.
Perform an identify request to find the districts intersecting a given envelope geometry (no buffer): https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer/identify?geometryType=esriGeometryEnvelope&geometry=548945.5,147956,549402,148103.5&imageDisplay=0,0,0&mapExtent=0,0,0,0&tolerance=0&layers=all:ch.swisstopo.swissboundaries3d-bezirk-flaeche.fill&returnGeometry=false
Perform an identify request to find the municipal boundaries and ZIP (PLZ or NPA) intersecting with a point (no buffer): https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer/identify?geometryType=esriGeometryPoint&geometry=548945.5,147956&imageDisplay=0,0,0&mapExtent=0,0,0,0&tolerance=0&layers=all:ch.swisstopo.swissboundaries3d-gemeinde-flaeche.fill,ch.swisstopo-vd.ortschaftenverzeichnis_plz&returnGeometry=false
Reverse geocoding an address with a point (no buffer): https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer/identify?mapExtent=0,0,100,100&imageDisplay=100,100,100&tolerance=1&geometryType=esriGeometryPoint&geometry=600968.625,197426.921875&layers=all:ch.bfs.gebaeude_wohnungs_register&returnGeometry=false
Simulate a search radius¶
SearchRadius = Max(MapWidthInMeters / ScreenWidthInPx, MapHeightInMeters / ScreenHeightInPx) * toleranceInPx
For instance if one wants a radius of 5 meters:
Max(100 / 100, 100 / 100) * 5 = 5
So you would set:
mapExtent=0,0,100,100&imageDisplay=100,100,100&tolerance=5&geometryType=esriGeometryPoint&geometry=548945,147956 to perform an identify request with a search radius of 5 meters around a given point.
This service is used to search the attributes of features. Each result include a feature ID, a layer ID, a layer name, a geometry (optionally) and attributes in the form of name-value pair. Here is a complete list of layers for which this service is available.
GET https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer/find
Input Parameters¶
One layer, one search text and one attribute.
Parameters |
Description |
layer (required) |
A layer ID (only one layer at a time can be specified). |
searchText (required) |
The text to search for (one can use numerical values as well). |
searchField (required) |
The name of the field to search (only one search field can be searched at a time). |
contains (optional) |
If false, the operation searches for an exact match of the searchText string. An exact match is case sensitive. Otherwise, it searches for a value that contains the searchText string provided. This search is not case sensitive. The default is true. |
geometryFormat (optional) |
Returned geometry format. Default to ESRI geometry format. Supported values are: “esrijson” or “geojson”. |
returnGeometry (optional) |
This parameter defines whether the geometry is returned or not. Default to “true”. |
sr (optional) |
The spatial reference. Supported values: 21781 (LV03), 2056 (LV95), 4326 (WGS84) and 3857 (Web Pseudo-Mercator). Defaults to “21781”. |
lang (optional) |
The language. Supported values: de, fr, it , rm, en. Defaults to “de”. |
layerDefs (optional) |
Filter features with an expression (see identify) Syntax: { “<layerId>” : “<layerDef1>”} |
callback (optional) |
The name of the callback function. |
Search for “Lavaux” in the field “bln_name” of the layer “ch.bafu.bundesinventare-bln” (infix match): https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer/find?layer=ch.bafu.bundesinventare-bln&searchText=Lavaux&searchField=bln_name&returnGeometry=false
Search for “12316” in the field “egid” of the layer “ch.bfs.gebaeude_wohnungs_register” (infix match): https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer/find?layer=ch.bfs.gebaeude_wohnungs_register&searchText=123164&searchField=egid&returnGeometry=false
Search for “123164” in the field “egid” of the layer “ch.bfs.gebaeude_wohnungs_register” (exact match): https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer/find?layer=ch.bfs.gebaeude_wohnungs_register&searchText=1231641&searchField=egid&returnGeometry=false&contains=false
Search for the Talstrasse in Commune ‘Full-Reuenthal’: https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer/find?layer=ch.swisstopo.amtliches-strassenverzeichnis&searchText=Talstrasse&searchField=stn_label&returnGeometry=false&contains=false&layerDefs={“ch.swisstopo.amtliches-strassenverzeichnis”: “com_fosnr = 4307”}
Feature Resource¶
With an ID (or several in a comma separated list) and a layer ID (technical name), this service can be used to retrieve a feature resource. Here is a complete list of layers for which this service is available.
GET https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer/{layerBodId}/{featureId},{featureId}
Input Parameters¶
RESTFul interface is available.
Parameters |
Description |
geometryFormat (optional) |
Returned geometry format. Default to ESRI geometry format. Supported values are: “esrijson” or “geojson”. |
returnGeometry (optional) |
This parameter defines whether the geometry is returned or not. Default to “true”. |
sr (optional) |
The spatial reference. Supported values: 21781 (LV03), 2056 (LV95), 4326 (WGS84) and 3857 (Web Pseudo-Mercator). Defaults to “21781”. |
lang (optional) |
The language. Supported values: de, fr, it , rm, en. Defaults to “de”. |
callback (optional) |
The name of the callback function. |
Get the feature with the ID RIG belonging to ch.bafu.nabelstationen: https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer/ch.bafu.nabelstationen/RIG
Get several features with IDs RIG and LAU belonging to ch.bafu.bundesinventar-bln: https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer/ch.bafu.nabelstationen/RIG,LAU
A GeoJSON in EPSG:4326: https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer/ch.bafu.nabelstationen/RIG,LAU?sr=4326&geometryFormat=geojson
Htmlpopup Resource¶
With an ID and a layer ID (technical name), this service can be used to retrieve an html popup. An html popup is an html formatted representation of the textual information about the feature. Here is a complete list of layers for which this service is available.
GET https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer/{layerBodId}/{featureId}/htmlPopup
Input Parameters¶
No css styling is provided per default so that you can use your own.
Parameters |
Description |
lang (optional) |
The language. Supported values: de, fr, it , rm, en. Defaults to “de”. |
sr (optional) |
The spatial reference. Supported values: 21781 (LV03), 2056 (LV95), 4326 (WGS84) and 3857 (Web Pseudo-Mercator). Defaults to “21781”. |
time (optional) |
Time (YYYY) to filter out time enabled layers, e.g. LUBIS. Defaults to “none”. |
mapExtent (optional) |
The extent of the map. (minx, miny, maxx, maxy). |
imageDisplay (optional) |
The screen image display parameters (width, height, and dpi) of the map. The combination of mapExtent and imageDisplay are used to compute a resolution or scale. Some layer have scale dependant htmlpopup responses |
coord (optional) |
The coordinates of interest (x, y). Some layers with external datasource need to know the cooridnates of the click on the map (p.e. ch.bafu.gefahren-aktuelle_erdbeben) |
callback (optional) |
The name of the callback function. |
Get the html popup with the feature ID RIG belonging to layer ch.bafu.nabelstationen: https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer/ch.bafu.nabelstationen/RIG/htmlPopup
The search service can be used to search for locations, layers or features.
GET https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/SearchServer
The search service is separated in 3 various categories or types:
The location search which is composed of the following geocoded locations:
Cantons, Cities and communes
All names as printed on the national map (SwissNames)
The districts
The ZIP codes
The addresses
The cadastral parcels
The layer search wich enables the search of layers belonging to the GeoAdmin API.
The feature search which is used to search through features descriptions. Note: you can also specify a bounding box to filter the features. (Searchable layers)
Input parameters¶
Only RESTFul interface is available.
Location Search
Parameters |
Description |
searchText (required/optional) |
Must be provided if the bbox is not. The text to search for. Maximum of 10 words. |
type (required) |
The type of performed search. Specify locations to perform a location search. |
bbox (required/optional) |
Must be provided if the searchText is not. A comma separated list of 4 coordinates representing the bounding box on which features should be filtered (SRID: 21781 or 2056). |
sortbbox (optional) |
When bbox is specified and this parameter is “true”, then the ranking of the results is performed according to the distance between the locations and the center of the bounding box. Default to “true”. |
returnGeometry (optional) |
This parameter defines whether the geometry is returned or not. Default to “true”. |
origins (optional) |
A comma separated list of origins. Possible origins are: zipcode,gg25,district,kantone,gazetteer,address,parcel A description of the origins can be found hereunder. Per default all origins are used. |
limit (optional) |
The maximum number of results to retrive per request (Max and default limit=50) |
sr (optional) |
The spatial reference. Supported values: 21781 (LV03), 2056 (LV95), 4326 (WGS84) and 3857 (Web Pseudo-Mercator). Defaults to “21781”. When a returnGeometry is set, its coordiantes will be returned in this sr. When setting a bbox, its coordinates have to be in the corresponding sr. |
geometryFormat (optional) |
Set to geojson if you want the service to return a GeoJSON FeatureCollection. Geometries will be returned in the sr projection. |
callback (optional) |
The name of the callback function. |
Layer Search
Parameters |
Description |
searchText (required) |
The text to search for. Maximum of 10 words allowed. |
type (required) |
The type of performed search. Specify layers to perform a layer search. |
lang (optional) |
The language metadata. Supported values: de (default), fr, it, rm, en. |
limit (optional) |
The maximum number of results to retrive per request (Max and default limit=30) |
sr (optional) |
The spatial reference. Supported values: 21781 (LV03), 2056 (LV95), 4326 (WGS84) and 3857 (Web Pseudo-Mercator). Defaults to “21781”. When setting geometryFormat to geosjon, the coordinates are returned in the corresponding sr. |
geometryFormat (optional) |
Set to geojson if you want the service to return a GeoJSON FeatureCollection. Geometries will be returned in the sr projection. |
callback (optional) |
The name of the callback function. |
Feature Search
Parameters |
Description |
searchText (required) |
The text to search for (in features detail field). Maximum of 10 words allowed. |
type (required) |
The type of performed search. Specify featuresearch to perform a feature search. |
bbox (optional) |
A comma separated list of 4 coordinates representing the bounding box according to which features should be ordered (SRID: 21781 or 2056). |
sortbbox (optional) |
When bbox is specified and this parameter is “true”, then the ranking of the results is performed according to the distance between the locations and the center of the bounding box. Default to “true”. |
features (required) |
A comma separated list of technical layer names. |
limit (optional) |
The maximum number of results to retrive per request (Max and default limit=20) |
sr (optional) |
The spatial reference. Supported values: 21781 (LV03) and 2056 (LV95) Defaults to “21781”. |
geometryFormat (optional) |
Set to geojson if you want the service to return a GeoJSON FeatureCollection. Geometries will be returned in the sr projection. |
callback (optional) |
The name of the callback function. |
Response syntax¶
The results are presented as a list of object literals. Here is an example of response for location search.
results: [
id: 206,
weight: 12,
attrs: {
origin: "gg25",
layerBodId: "ch.swisstopo.swissboundaries3d-gemeinde-flaeche.fill",
featureId: "351",
detail: "bern be",
rank: 2,
geom_st_box2d: "BOX(589008 196443.046875,604334.3125 204343.5)",
num: 1,
y: 598637.3125,
x: 200393.28125,
label: "<b>Bern (BE)</b>"
or a valid GeoJSON FeatureCollection if parameter geometryFormat=geojson is present
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"bbox": [
"features": [{
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"origin": "gazetteer",
"geom_quadindex": "021300220330313020221",
"weight": 1,
"zoomlevel": 10,
"lon": 7.459799289703369,
"detail": "wabern koeniz",
"rank": 5,
"lat": 46.925777435302734,
"num": 1,
"y": 601612.0625,
"x": 197186.8125,
"label": "<i>Populated Place</i> <b>Wabern</b> (BE) - Köniz",
"id": 215754
"type": "Feature",
"id": 215754,
"bbox": [
Here is a description of the data one can find in the above response.
id: This is an internal value and therefore shouldn’t be used.
weight: The weight is dynamically computed according to the searchText that is provided. It informs the user about how close an entry is to the provided searchText.
attrs: The attributes associated to a given entry.
origin: This attribute refers to the type of data an entry stands for.
layerBodId: The id of the associated layer (if any)
featureId: If available the object’s Id can be combined with the layerBodId to collect more information about a feature.
detail: The search field
rank: A different rank is associated to each origin. Results are always ordered in ascending ranks.
geom_st_box2d: This attribute is in is in CH1903 / LV03 (EPSG:21781) reference system and represents the bounding box of the associated geometry.
num: This attribute is only valid for locations with address origin. It refers to the street number.
x and y: These attributes represent the coordinates of an entry. If an object’s entry is a line or a polygon, those coordinates will always be on the underlying geometry.
label: The html label for an entry.
Here is a list of possible origins sorted in ascending ranking order:
zipcode (ch.swisstopo-vd.ortschaftenverzeichnis_plz)
gg25 (ch.swisstopo.swissboundaries3d-gemeinde-flaeche.fill)
district (ch.swisstopo.swissboundaries3d-bezirk-flaeche.fill)
kantone (ch.swisstopo.swissboundaries3d-kanton-flaeche.fill)
gazetteer (ch.swisstopo.swissnames3d, ch.bav.haltestellen-oev)
address (ch.bfs.gebaeude_wohnungs_register with EGID or use prefix ‘addresse’, ‘adresse’, ‘indirizzo’, ‘address’ without EGID)
parcel (use prefix “parcel”, “parzelle”, “parcelle” or “parcella” in your requests to filter out other origins)
Prefix filtering cannot be combined with parameter origins.
Search for locations matching the word “wabern”: https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/SearchServer?searchText=wabern&type=locations
Search for locations of type “parcel” and “district” (the origins): https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/SearchServer?searchText=bern&origins=parcel,district&type=locations
Search for locations within a given map extent (the bbox): https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/SearchServer?bbox=551306.5625,167918.328125,551754.125,168514.625&type=locations
Search for layers in French matching the word “géoïde” in their description: https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/SearchServer?searchText=géoïde&type=layers&lang=fr
Search for features matching word “433” in their description: https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/SearchServer?features=ch.bafu.hydrologie-gewaesserzustandsmessstationen&type=featuresearch&searchText=433
Get a GeoJSON for locations matching the word “wabern”: https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/SearchServer?searchText=wabern&type=locations&geometryFormat=geojson
Get a Webmercator GeoJSON: https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/SearchServer?searchText=wabern&type=locations&geometryFormat=geojson&sr=3857
Input bbox may also be in LV95: https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/SearchServer?bbox=2551306.5625,1167918.328125,2551754.125,1168514.625&type=locations&sr=2056
Example of feature search usage with other services¶
First: search for addresses using the feature search service: https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/SearchServer?features=ch.bfs.gebaeude_wohnungs_register&type=featuresearch&searchText=isabelle
Then: use “feature_id” found in “attrs” to get detailed information about a feature: https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer/ch.bfs.gebaeude_wohnungs_register/880711_0?returnGeometry=false
This service allows to obtain elevation information for a point.
Outside of Switzerland a 10m grid elevation model is used. It is a combined digital elevation model consisting of elevation models from mapping agencies of France, Italy, Austria, Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg and derived with a resolution of 10m. The extend covers XMin: 2443000 YMin: 1024000 XMax: 2895000 YMax: 1340000
See Height models for more details about data used by this service.
GET https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/height
Input Parameters¶
RESTFul interface is available.
Parameters |
Description |
easting (required) |
The easting coordinate in LV03 (EPSG:21781) or LV95 (EPSG:2056) |
northing (required) |
The northing coordinate in LV03 (EPSG:21781) or LV95 (EPSG:2056) |
sr(optional) |
The reference system to use (EPSG code). Valid values are 2056 (for LV95) and 21781 (for )LV03). If not given, trying to guess which one to use. |
callback (optional) |
The name of the callback function. |
This service allows to obtain elevation information for a polyline in CSV format. See Height models for more details about data used by this service.
GET|POST https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/profile.json (for json format)
GET|POST https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/profile.csv (for a csv)
Input Parameters¶
RESTFul interface is available.
Parameters |
Description |
geom (required) |
A GeoJSON representation of a polyline (type = LineString). The LineString should not have more than PROFILE_MAX_AMOUNT_POINTS, generally 5’000 coordinates. |
sr (optional) |
The reference system to use (EPSG code). Valid value are 2056 (for LV95) and 21781 (for LV03). Strongly advised to set one, but if not given, trying to guess which one to use. |
nb_points (optional) |
The number of points used for the polyline segmentation. Default “200”. |
offset (optional) |
The offset value (INTEGER) in order to use the exponential moving algorithm . For a given value the offset value specify the number of values before and after used to calculate the average. |
distinct_points (optional) |
If True, it will ensure the coordinates given to the service are part of the response. Possible values are True or False, default to False. |
callback (optional) |
Only available for profile.json. The name of the callback function. |
A RESTFul implementation of the WMTS OGC standard. For detailed information, see WMTS OGC standard
Only the RESTFul request encoding to GetTile is implemented, not the GetLegend and GetFeatureInfo. No KVP and SOAP request encoding is supported.
The GetCapabilites document provides informations about the service, along with layer description, both in german and french.
GET <Scheme>://<ServerName>/<ProtocoleVersion>/<LayerName>/<Stylename>/<Time>/<TileMatrixSet>/<TileSetId>/<TileRow>/<TileCol>.<FormatExtension>
with the following parameters:
Parameter |
Example |
Explanation |
Scheme |
https |
The scheme type |
ServerName |
wmts[0-9].geo.admin.ch |
Version |
1.0.0 |
WMTS protocol version |
Layername |
ch.bfs.arealstatistik-1997 |
See the WMTS GetCapabilities document. |
StyleName |
default |
Only default is supported. |
Time |
2010, 2010-01 |
Date of tile generation in (ISO-8601) or logical value like current. A list of available values is provided in the GetCapabilities document under the <Dimension> tag. We recommend to use the value under the <Default> tag. Note that these values might change frequently - check for updates regularly. |
TileMatrixSet |
2056 (constant) |
EPSG code for LV03/CH1903 |
TileSetId |
22 |
Zoom level (see below) |
TileRow |
236 |
TileCol |
284 |
FormatExtension |
png |
Mostly png, except for some raster layer (pixelkarte and swissimage) |
The <TileMatrixSet> 21781 is as follow defined:
MinX 420000
MaxX 900000
MinY 30000
MaxY 350000
TileWidth 256
With the <tileOrigin> in the top left corner of the bounding box.
Resolution [m] |
Zoomlevel |
Map zoom |
Tile width m |
Tiles X |
Tiles Y |
Tiles |
Approx. scale at 96 dpi per zoom level |
4000 |
0 |
1024000 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3750 |
1 |
960000 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3500 |
2 |
896000 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3250 |
3 |
832000 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3000 |
4 |
768000 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2750 |
5 |
704000 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2500 |
6 |
640000 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2250 |
7 |
576000 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2000 |
8 |
512000 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1750 |
9 |
448000 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1500 |
10 |
384000 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1250 |
11 |
320000 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1000 |
12 |
256000 |
2 |
2 |
4 |
750 |
13 |
192000 |
3 |
2 |
6 |
650 |
14 |
0 |
166400 |
3 |
2 |
6 |
1 : 2’456’694 |
500 |
15 |
1 |
128000 |
4 |
3 |
12 |
1 : 1’889’765 |
250 |
16 |
2 |
64000 |
8 |
5 |
40 |
1 : 944’882 |
100 |
17 |
3 |
25600 |
19 |
13 |
247 |
1 : 377’953 |
50 |
18 |
4 |
12800 |
38 |
25 |
950 |
1 : 188’976 |
20 |
19 |
5 |
5120 |
94 |
63 |
5’922 |
1 : 75’591 |
10 |
20 |
6 |
2560 |
188 |
125 |
23’500 |
1 : 37’795 |
5 |
21 |
7 |
1280 |
375 |
250 |
93’750 |
1 : 18’898 |
2.5 |
22 |
8 |
640 |
750 |
500 |
375’000 |
1 : 9’449 |
2 |
23 |
9 |
512 |
938 |
625 |
586’250 |
1 : 7’559 |
1.5 |
24 |
384 |
1250 |
834 |
1’042’500 |
1 |
25 |
10 |
256 |
1875 |
1250 |
2’343’750 |
1 : 3’780 |
0.5 |
26 |
11 |
128 |
3750 |
2500 |
9’375’000 |
1 : 1’890 |
0.25 |
27 |
12 |
64 |
7500 |
5000 |
37’500’000 |
1 : 945 |
0.1 |
28 |
13 |
25.6 |
18750 |
12500 |
234’375’000 |
1 : 378 |
The projection for the tiles is LV95 (EPSG:2056). Other projection are supported, see further down.
The tiles are generated on-the-fly and stored in a cache (hundreds of requests per second)
The zoom level 24 (resolution 1.5m) has been generated, but is not currently used in the API.
The zoom levels 27 and 28 (resolution 0.25m and 0.1m) are only available for a few layers, e.g. swissimage or cadastral web map. For the others layers it is only a client zoom (tiles are stretched).
You have to use the <ResourceURL> to construct the GetTile request.
Axis order: for historical reasons, EPSG:21781 WMTS tiles use the non-standard row/col order, while all other projections use the usual col/row order. However, most desktop GIS allow you to either use the advertized order or to override it.
The tiles of a given layer might be updated withtout resulting in a new <Time> dimension in the GetCapabilities dimension. In case your application is caching tiles locally, you need to invalidate your local cache for this layer. To check the latest change of any layer, use the Cache Update service.
A tile.
or https://wmts.geo.admin.ch/1.0.0/ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-farbe/default/current/21781/20/58/70.jpeg
Supported projections¶
Four projections are supported. The same tiles are offered in four other tilematrixsets/projection.
- LV95/CH1903+ (EPSG:2056)
- LV03/CH1903 (EPSG:21781)
- Plate-Carrée WGS1984 (EPSG:4326, in lat/lon order)
- WGS84/Pseudo-Mercator (EPSG:3857, as used in OSM, Bing, Google Map)
Partly due to a limitation of the WTMS 1.0.0 recommendations, each projection has its own GetCapabilities document.
The same timestamps are available in all projection. New timestamp are added to the former ones.
The layer ch.kantone.cadastralwebmap-farbe uses a WMS service as its source.
Note that all layers are available at all scales. You have to check for which tileMatrixSets a particuliar layer is defined. Your WMTS client may either stretch the tiles from the last available level or display nothing.
At tile: https://wmts.geo.admin.ch/1.0.0/ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-farbe/default/current/3857/9/266/180.jpeg

An OpenLayers3 application using the pseudo-Mercator projection
An OpenLayers3 example showing the Cadastralwebmap as WMTS
Switzerland is now adopting the new LV95 frame.
XYZ tile layers are layers comprised of multiple tiles. The XYZ tile service provides tiles based on a URL template with values substituted in for Zoom Level and X and Y counts of the tile. Unlike WMTS that follow the OGC standard, the XYZ tile service is often used in Web Mapping Context and is therefore a de facto standard. The XYZ tile service is provided with a fixed projection ( EPSG:3857).
We encourage users to use WMTS layer service which provides predefined tiles (like an XYZ service) with an option to use a RESTful templated URL or a KVP request and with a variety of projections and grids. Moreover, using WMTS GetCapabilities provides an up to date Metadata Service for the available layers.
GET <Scheme>://<ServerName>/<ProtocoleVersion>/<LayerName>/<Stylename>/<Time>/<TileMatrixSet>/{z}/{x}/{y}.<FormatExtension>
with the following parameters:
Parameter |
Example |
Explanation |
Scheme |
https |
The scheme type |
ServerName |
wmts[0-9].geo.admin.ch |
Version |
1.0.0 |
WMTS protocol version |
Layername |
ch.bfs.arealstatistik-1997 |
See the WMTS GetCapabilities document. |
StyleName |
default |
Only default is supported. |
Time |
2010, 2010-01 |
Date of tile generation in (ISO-8601) or logical value like current. A list of available values is provided in the GetCapabilities document under the <Dimension> tag. We recommend to use the value under the <Default> tag. Note that these values might change frequently - check for updates regularly. |
TileMatrixSet |
3857 (constant) |
EPSG code for Webmercator |
{z} |
{z} |
{x} |
{x} |
{y} |
{y} |
FormatExtension |
png |
Mostly png, except for some raster layer (pixelkarte and swissimage) |
The tiles of a given layer might be updated without resulting in a new <Time> dimension. In case your application is caching tiles locally, you need to invalidate your local cache for this layer. To check the latest change of any layer, use the Cache Update service.
Access to ch.swisstopo.swissimage.
Supported projections¶
Unlike WMTS that follow the OGC standard, the XYZ tile service are often used in Web Mapping Context and therefore one projection is supported.
- WGS84/Pseudo-Mercator (EPSG:3857, as used in OSM, Bing, Google Map)
An OpenLayers example showing the Swissimage as XYZ
Cache Update¶
As noted in the WMTS service, the Tiles of a given <Time> dimension might be updated for technical reasons. If you are caching Tiles locally, this might result in your cache being outdated. Use the Cache Update service to query the Date of the last update for a given layer. If your cache is older than the returned Date, you have to clear your local cache.
GET https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer/{layerBodId}/cacheUpdate
The the latest Cache Update for SwissImage Product: https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/MapServer/ch.swisstopo.swissimage-product/cacheUpdate
Terrain Service¶
A RESTFul implementation of “Cesium” Quantized Mesh terrain service. Terrain tiles are served according to the Tile Map Service (TMS) layout and global-geodetic profile.
Metadata Service¶
The layer.json file determines which terrain tiles are available.
https://3d.geo.admin.ch/ch.swisstopo.terrain.3d/v1/layer.json (alway most recent terrain tiles)
https://3d.geo.admin.ch/ch.swisstopo.terrain.3d/v1/20201203/layer.json (terrain tiles of the date 20201203)
A request is in the form:
GET https://<ServerName>/ch.swisstopo.terrain.3d/<Version>/<Time>/<Zoom>/<X>/<Y>.<FormatExtension>
with the following parameters:
Parameter |
Example |
Explanation |
ServerName |
3d.geo.admin.ch |
Version |
v1 |
v1 means terrain tiles generated with cesium tiles |
Layername |
ch.swisstopo.terrain.3d (constant) |
The name of the terrain layer. (only one terrain layer is available) |
Time |
20201203 |
Date of tile generation in (ISO-8601). |
Zoom |
12 |
Zoom level (see below) |
X |
4309 |
The longitue index |
Y |
3111 |
The latitude index |
FormatExtension |
terrain |
The file extension (a gzipped binary terrain file) |
3D Tiles¶
A RESTFul implementation of “Cesium” 3D Tiles specification.
Metadata Service¶
The tileset.json file describes the available set of tiles. In order to use this service you can use CesiumJS.
Currently, 3 technical layers (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d.3d, ch.swisstopo.swissnames3d.3d, ch.swisstopo.vegetation.3d) are available and they contains all available 3D objects.
Most recent 3D tiles:
3D tiles of a specific date:
A 3D tile
Mapbox Vector Tiles¶
A RESTFul implementation of Mapbox Vector Tiles. See description
The service provides both tiles and styles that the customer can use.
A current (latest version) style request is in the following form:
GET <Scheme>://<ServerName>/styles/<layername>/style.json
example of current maplibre styles of light base map and imagery base map:
A tile request is in the following form:
GET <Scheme>://<ServerName>/tiles/<LayerName>/<version>/<zoomlevel>/<x>/<y>.pbf
example of one pbf tile:
MBTiles for storing tiled map data in SQLite databases for immediate or offline usage and for efficient transfer. A MBtileSet request is in the following form:
GET <Scheme>://<ServerName>/tiles/<LayerName>/<version>/<LayerName>.mbtiles
example of the .mbtiles file:
Available datasets and styles as mapbox vector tiles¶
The list of current datasets and styles is available visiting the official service description
Metadata Service¶
Each tileset has a corresponding metatdata json file that describes the available set of tiles. The URL of the metadata json file is :
GET <Scheme>://<ServerName>/tiles/<LayerName>/<version>.json
example of tileset:
SPARQL Service¶
This service enables the connection of geodata from different sources as Linked Data. See description.
GET https://geo.ld.admin.ch/query/ (SPARQL Endpoint)
GET https://geo.ld.admin.ch/sparql/ (YASGUI)
Available datasets¶
Atom Feed / Open Search Download Service¶
This service enables the download of datasets conforming to the INSPIRE Data Specifications. It is implemented as an Atom Feed / Open Search service according to the Technical Guidance for the implementation of INSPIRE Download Services.
GET https://atom.geo.admin.ch/inspire/service.xml - Service Feed
GET https://atom.geo.admin.ch/inspire/search/opensearchdescription.xml - Open Search Description Document
GET https://atom.geo.admin.ch/inspire/search?q={} - Search Interface
Available datasets¶
Get a Dataset Feed (Describe Spatial Data Set Operation) (code and namespace to be found in the Open Search Description Document)
Get a dataset (Get Spatial Data Set Operation) (code, namespace and crs to be found in the Open Search Description Document)